
Mental health and prisons

The Thin Blue Line between Care and Ethics of Care in an Indian Prison

Through her recent work on a public interest litigation, Maitreyi’s understanding of mental health in prisons saw a shift. What happens when care turns paternalistic? Can the promise of freedom be used as a tool to negotiate/manipulate? Are our imagined alternatives to this system any better? This interview is an attempt to make sense of some of these questions.

फ se Field, ज se Jail: Sarita Aur Madam – Ep. 4

फ se Field, ज se Jail: Sarita Aur Madam – Ep. 4

In the last episode of “Sarita aur Madam”, Krupa shares a lasting memory of Sarita as she knocks at Prayas’ door once again, this time with a desire to learn.

At TTE, we are very invested in expanding the notion of the field, and bring to life the lives of various people who make a field humane.

फ se Field, ज se Jail: Sarita Aur Madam – Ep. 3

When Sarita knocks on Prayas’ door, it is not always a problem that she brings. Sometimes, she brings a unique solution which makes one look at the problem differently. In the Episode 3 of “Sarita aur Madam”, Krupa recounts an anecdote where Sarita saved the day and refused to bargain while she was at it.

फ se Field, ज se Jail: Sarita Aur Madam – Ep. 2

We all remember the lockdown. Some remember it like yesterday and others believe it happened a long time ago. But, what did 2020 look like for sex workers and social workers? In the Episode 2 of “Sarita aur Madam”, Krupa tells us Sarita’s response to the lockdown.

फ se Field, ज se Jail: Sarita Aur Madam – Ep. 1

After going to school, our podcast series is going to jail.

At TTE, we are very invested in expanding the notion of the field, and bring to life the lives of various people who make a field humane.

In this case, it’s the social worker who works in prison, and the deep relationships that she forms with those on the other side of the law.

Sp. Feature: Letters from the System

My workplace is a prison. My client is the prisoner. Who am I?

There are many kinds of social workers, but the kind that works in prisons is often asked, “Why would anyone work for prisoners?” “Is my son doing okay? Ask him to come meet me next week.” “Madam, there is no vacancy in the shelter home, especially for a mentally disabled woman. Now what to do?”

How do you learn to work in a prison?

Prisons are taken for granted within ‘civilised’ societies; we often do not think of the what and why of the institution. Often, we find ourselves at one of three points on a continuum: being oblivious and uninterested, feeling secure in knowing that there is a prison, or being concerned about the people who reach prison.

Volume 005: Crime

Does care have to be at the periphery if crime is at the centre?

By a feminist approach, I specifically mean the ethics of care articulated by the philosopher Virginia Held, which understands that people are intrinsically interrelated, as opposed to the model of the independent, self-sufficient individual of liberal theory.

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