Volume 004


Education: What Makes It Feminist?

August 2022
Volume 004 Education
What happens when we put the two words, ‘feminist’ and ‘education’, together? What kind of walls shake? Which seams may open? What may tumble out?

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A day that is ordinary? A day within the everyday? Feminists have theorised the everyday extensively. Everyday is when the doing happens. The work is done. The cooking, the editing of the draft, the googling, the waiting for the eggs to boil, legwork, emails, paying of bills, waiting with the camera as the time lapse happens, finding the letters for that one word in Rathi, having a drink with a Tharu brewer in Chitwan. All of these are the doing. The Act of Doing, the critical step before making.
A teacher walks the aisle of the classroom with a stick in his hand, waiting to use it on anyone who falters in their dictation test. Bhisham Sahni opens this scene of a classroom in his story ‘Imla’ where the same teacher when positioned outside the classroom changes his walk and talk. How do the structures of power change around the same teacher?
In this new episode of Bolti Kahaniyan, Dipta Bhog narrates ‘Hekdi’, a story by writer Vijaydan Detha. This story is taken from the Hindi translation of his anthology ‘Batan Ri Phulwadi’ published by Rajasthani Granthagar.
It is 10 years since I made my last documentary, many people ask me, when are you making another film? And to some I answer truthfully, that according to me, Agents of Ishq (AOI) is also a film, a very lengthy film—an infinite film.
Harjant Gill, a documentary filmmaker and scholar who has made multiple documentaries on Indian masculinity(ies), says, “One of the challenging things about talking about masculinity is that you engage men in this conversation and they don’t really know where to go with it, or like, how to even interrogate it…
Work on gender in the development and social sector has traditionally engaged with women and girls. It was only in the mid-90s that some NGOs started working with men and boys on issues of gender. One of the first entry points for this was population control and reproductive health where they were encouraged to use condoms and to accompany their pregnant wives to healthcare centres.
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